January 16 – February 3, 2018

Là où le sang se mèle

Théâtre Denise-Pelletier
Playwright: Kevin Loring
Director: Lib Spry

Floyd, a man who has made a lot of mistakes, receives a letter from his daughter who was sent away and put up for adoption, taken away from child services because her mom committed suicide, twenty years ago. Having been raised in a city, and curious about her heritage, she seeks to discover her forgotten roots. Suddenly, two decades of feuds and denial catch up with her as she anxiously tries to meet with her past.


Read the Reviews

«Là où le sang se mêle»: au confluent du passé et de l’avenir (Le Devoir)

« Là où le sang se mêle » ou le théâtre de la réconciliation (Les Méconnus)

Un passé qui ne passe pas (Le Délit)

Là où le théâtre se mêle à la réalité (Le Délit)

Review Highlights