May 26 – 29, 2010

The Last Fifteen Seconds

Concordia University Theatre
Playwrights: Gary Kirkham, Nada Humsi, Anne-Marie Donovan, Pam Patel, Trevor Copp, Alan K. Sapp, Madji Bou-Matar
Directed By: Madji Bou-Matar

The Last 15 Seconds reconstructs an imagined conversation between filmmaker Mustapha Akkad and his daughter Rima and Rawad Jassem Mohammad Abed, the suicide bomber who carried out the explosion. The play explores the imagined lives and memories of both the victim and his killer as they revisit each other’s lives after their fatal encounter.

Cast & Team


  • Nada Humsi
  • Anne-Marie Donovan
  • Pam Patel
  • Trevor Copp
  • Alan K. Sapp

Creative Team

  • Sheree Tams and William Chesney – Set Designers
  • Sheree Tams – Costume Designer
  • Jennifer Jimenez – Lighting Designer
  • Rob Ring – Video Designer
  • Nick Storring – Composition
  • Anne-Marie Donovan and Pam Patel – Vocals
  • Joe Recchia – Stage Manager