Our Policies Land Acknowledgement Our Land Acknowledgment Is Our Pledge to Act Upon. Teesri Duniya Theatre acknowledges that the land it operates on was founded as and continues to be a colonial-settler state. We recognize that this sacred land is the unceded land of the Indigenous people, and we gratefully acknowledge them as this land’s past, present and future stewards. Teesri is dedicated to educating itself and engaging audiences about the colonial forces and processes shaping our present-day life. We believe in decolonization to restore justice and build a just relationship between indigenous and non-indigenous peoples. We commit to using the power of theatre to represent and support reconciliation and reparation, recognize Indigenous nationhood, reform the state constitution, and build an equal relationship across all people. Equity Statement Teesri Duniya Theatre is committed to equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism, anti-oppression, and decolonization. Through our programming, casting, hiring, audience building, and recruitment practices, we reflect plurality in culture, gender, race, sexual orientation, and gender diversity. Decolonization is central to all our work. It is a critical precondition to achieving equity, diversity and inclusion. Decolonization means active resistance against colonial institutions, processes and a movement towards equality and reparation for historical injustices against Indigenous, racialized and displaced people. Decolonizing theatre means integrations of non-Western forms, empowering marginalized communities, and removing gendered, racialized, and heterosexual hierarchies. Towards that, we represent underrepresented communities, resist tokenism in the name of inclusion, and present politically charged stories that question colonial hegemony and historical inaccuracies. The mere display of diversity and visual identity at the expense of political examination does not produce decolonization. Colour Conscious Casting We are colour-conscious, not colour-blind. Colour-blind casting promotes a homogenizing view of the arts denying visible minorities their identities, heritage and political standing. We practice colour-conscious and culturally sensitive casting representing the characters’ colour, heritage, historical background and cultural distinctness. Anti-Harassment/Non-Discrimination Policy Objectives Any behaviour constituting predation, harassment, discrimination and hateful behaviour is incompatible with the standards of Teesri Duniya Theatre. The policy aims to prevent and stop psychological, sexual and any form of discrimination. The aim is also to establish principles of intervention the organization will apply when harassment is reported. Scope This policy applies to all organization personnel, including full-time, part-time, temporary, probationary, casual and contract staff, volunteers, students, interns, apprentices, guests and workshop participants. It applies in the following locations and contexts: the workplace any other location where people must be present during their employment (e.g., during meetings, training sessions, travel, workshops, mentorship sessions, social activities organized by the company, productions, readings, and presentations) for all types of communication, online or otherwise this policy applies at every level of the organization and to every aspect of the workplace environment and employment relationship, including recruitment, selection, promotion, transfers, training, salaries, benefits and termination This policy prohibits discrimination or harassment based on the following grounds and any combination of these grounds: race religion political convictions physical, developmental, learning or mental disability national origin ethnic origin age (except as provided by law) sexual orientation citizenship gender identity language gender expression colour social condition ancestry civil status family status (including pregnancy and breastfeeding) Definitions Discrimination Discrimination is making unjustified, prejudiced distinctions between people based on the groups, classes, or other categories to which they belong. Discrimination means a form of unequal treatment based on all above mentioned grounds. Discrimination restricts members of one group from opportunities or privileges available to members of another group. It may be intentional or unintentional and may involve rules, practices or procedures that appear neutral but disadvantage certain groups of people. Harassment We define harassment as vexatious conduct, whether in the form of behaviour, communication, acts or gestures that are either hostile or unwelcome, affect an employee’s dignity or psychological or physical integrity and result in a harmful work environment for the employee. More specifically, psychological harassment includes verbal comments, actions, or gestures of a sexual nature. Harassment means a course of comments or actions that are known or ought reasonably known to be unwelcome. It can involve words or actions that are known or should be known to be offensive, embarrassing, humiliating, demeaning or unwelcome, based on a ground of discrimination identified by this policy. Harassment can also take the form of bullying, i.e., when an individual or a group of people with more power repeatedly and intentionally cause hurt or harm to another person or group of people who feel helpless to respond. Examples of harassment include: unwelcome remarks, jokes, innuendos, or taunting about a person based on the Charter-protected grounds posting or circulating offensive pictures, graffiti or materials, whether in print form, via email, or other electronic means singling out a person for humiliating or demeaning “teasing” or jokes because they are a member of Charter-protected groups comments that ridicule a person because of characteristics that are related to a ground of discrimination. For example, this could include comments about a person’s dress, speech or other practices related to their sex, race, gender identity or creed Racial or Ethnic Harassment: Examples of racial or ethnic harassment include: display of racist, derogatory or offensive pictures or materials unwelcome remarks, jokes, innuendos or taunting about a person’s racial or ethnic background, colour, place of birth, citizenship or ancestry refusing to converse or work with an employee because of their racial or ethnic background insulting gestures or practical jokes based on racial or ethnic backgrounds, which cause embarrassment or awkwardness Sexual and gender-based harassment: Examples of sexual harassment include: display of sexually offensive pictures, graffiti or other materials unwelcome remarks, jokes, innuendos, or taunting about a person’s body, attire or sex gender-related comments about a person’s physical characteristics unwelcome physical contact such as touch, patting or pinching suggestive or offensive remarks or innuendoes about members of a specific gender propositions of physical intimacy, demands for dates or sexual favours leering or inappropriate/suggestive staring or other gestures bragging about sexual prowess or questions or discussions about sexual activities Sexual Solicitation This policy prohibits sexual solicitations or advances by any person in a position to grant or deny a benefit to the recipient. This includes managers and supervisors. Reprisals for rejecting such advances or solicitations are also not allowed. Reporting procedures related to harassment or discrimination Suppose a person feels harassed or discriminated against, the person must contact Teesri Duniya Theatre’s Artistic Director, General Manager, President of the Board, Board members or a staff member with whom they feel comfortable through a verbal or written statement within 30 days. The Board will review and take appropriate action. Every effort is made to keep the report/complaint fully confidential. Complaint Process If you have a complaint about the working environment at the company, you are strongly encouraged to bring it forward promptly. The company is committed to treating complaints with respect, investigate the matter and respond on time. We recommend the following guidelines: Workers will generally bring a complaint forward to their immediate supervisor. For artists, depending on the capacity in which they are engaged with the organization, an immediate supervisor may be their Stage Manager. For other independent contractors, an immediate supervisor would be their primary contact with the organization as identified in their contract It is recognized that there are times when bringing a complaint to an immediate supervisor may not seem to be the best option for various reasons If you are still unsatisfied with the response, you can address your complaint to any member of the senior management team, the Executive Director, the Artistic Director, or the president of the Board Where appropriate and applicable, you may also bring your concern to your Equity representative. Under the Canadian Actors’ Equity Association’s Respectful Workspace Policy “Not In Our Space”, Respectful Workspace Advisors can be contacted by email at notinourspace@caea.com or by phone at 1-800-387-1856. For further information, please consult Equity’s Respectful Workplace Policy As stated above, the goal of the company is to treat every complaint with respect, investigate the matter, and provide a timely response. Safe Space Policy Teesri Duniya Theatre is dedicated to providing a safe and inclusive environment where all participants feel comfortable expressing and sharing experiences without fear of discrimination and reprisal. We ask everyone entering our space, in-person or online, to know that the language and behaviour they use with others aren’t harmful. To keep our premises safe, we ask everyone to follow the following guidelines: Respect everyone’s physical and emotional boundaries Respect different opinions, beliefs, experiences and viewpoints Disagree respectfully. Respect different identities, heritages, racial and cultural backgrounds and pronouns Do not assume anyone’s gender identity, sexual preference, survivor status, health status, economic status, background, beliefs, religion, opinions, etc. Respect others’ right to privacy Avoid raising your voice, interrupting or talking over anyone else. Change your behaviour if someone tells you you are making them uncomfortable. Let the person in authority know if you witness abusive or inappropriate behaviour.